Teeth grinding (Bruxism) is an uncontrollable habit caused by varying factors. These may include stress, missing or abnormal teeth or even alcohol consumption.
The following symptoms can arise from grinding your teeth:
Wagga Family Dental have had extensive experience with Bruxism so if you have suffered the affects of teeth grinding book a consult with us and we will assess the severity of your case. Some jaw disorders will need to be referred to a TMJ (Temporo-mandibular Joint) specialist.
We can support you by addressing the habit in mild cases. An occlusal splint can be created which functions like a mouth guard but is much smaller. It is a measure that can save you money down the track by preventing further damage to teeth which would end in costly procedures such as root canal treatment, dental implants and some cases crown & bridges.
Regular exercise, lowering alcohol and caffine consumption and counselling can also be implemented to determine the underlying cause of grinding.
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